Unlimited Newsletter
Here's What's Happening in September:
Smencil Sales - $1 Pencils that have a delicious smell to each one. Starts September 11; in the school lobby from 7:35 - 7:50.
September 16 - No Student Day - Teachers have a Professional Development Day.
September 17 - Panda Express fundraiser - This is a national fundraiser. Send this code to all friends and relatives that enjoy Panda Express- 925169 -- Friends, Neighbors and Family can participate Nationwide! Order online using this fundraiser code and our PTA and school benefits!! Thank you for helping!!
Penny Wars - Look for the display in the School Lobby. This is a way for the PTA to raise funds for many types of events at our school. Such as the School Carnival and incentives for students and teachers. Students can participate to get points for their class. Students can also "subtract points" from other classes. Students earn points by donating pennies (or paper money). Students subtract points by donating silver coins (nickels, dimes, and quarters) to other classes.
Picture Day - On September 26. If you would like to volunteer to help at the school during picture day, please scan the QR Code on the poster in the slideshow. Make sure your students are "Picture Ready".