Unlimited Newsletter
Here's What's Happening in October:
Oct 1 Popcorn Preorder (50Cents/bag)
Oct. 9th. - Smencil Sales - $1 Pencils that have a delicious smell to each one. Starts September 11; in the school lobby from 7:35 - 7:50.
Oct. 11 - Awards Assembly
October 14 - 18 - No Students - Teacher work day on the 14th & 15th. Fall break 16 - 17th.
October 21 - 25 - Book Fair - open during school hours and during the PTA Conferences.
October 22 - Cotton Candy Preorder ($1 per bag)
October 24 - PTA meeting 5:30pm
October 28 - Nov 1 - Anti-Bullying Spirit Week
October 1st - 28th - PTA is accepting Candy Donations for the annual Halloween parade (Oct. 31.) and candy distribution.