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D11 Engage


McAuliffe needs volunteers to help out in our classrooms, in the library, on field trips, and for many events throughout the school year.  District 11 policy requires all volunteers to complete a Volunteer Registration Form.

Click Here to register online - Online registration forms must be printed and brought into the McAuliffe office, along with a picture ID, to complete the volunteer registration process.  You may complete your volunteer registration at McAuliffe on computers in the lobby or at home.



Thank You

Volunteer Links

Online Volunteer Registration
One time only Registration Form
More Volunteer Information

If you have previously registered as a D11 Volunteer, there is no need to register again.  The office can check to see if you are still a registered volunteer and add McAuliffe as your school.  If you have questions regarding the volunteer registration process or volunteer opportunities at McAuliffe, please call the office at 228-0900.


Get involved

